Our Team



Adam Aberbach - Founding Partner

Adam first first entered into the fitness industry in 2002 as a membership consultant, and quickly moved into opening and then managing some of the largest fitness clubs in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. From working for the largest fitness club organization in the world, to owning his own small town gyms, he helps his clients achieve a much more efficient operation, and help them to see opportunities from a new perspective. His experiences help identify unforeseen complications, before they become a problem. His drive comes from a desire and work ethic that is unmatched, where he must provide the most value for us clients and attain the highest ROI. Adam’s top priorities are the clients Fitness Visio serves.


Alicia Lewis - Client Adviser of Key Accounts

Based in Houston TX, Alicia is a top industry leader in fitness business, learning trends and services the fitness industry offers across the globe. Working with the biggest names in fitness, her experience in markets outside of the Unites States, bring such invaluable insight to Fitness Visio clients.

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Roy Reis - Corporate Advisory Council

Currently serving as vice president of tenant advisory services, at ESRP in Frisco Texas, Roy has insights to the needs of clients inside and outside of fitness facility design. The perspective he brings to Fitness Visio, in advising our team, helps ensure our relationships grow past our designs and services. He understands that growing our business is important to our brand, but also recognizes the need of keeping connected to and listing to the results of our completed projects, ensuring client satisfaction and continual support.


Brian Casad - Program Design

Brian is an industry icon in the club and training business. As the owner of one of the most successful Title Boxing franchises in the country, owner operator of his own independent brands, spokesman for Bodybuilding.com, and being featured in Train, Muscle and Fitness and IronMan magazines, he has more knowledge in both club ownership and operations than anyone on our team. As we offer personal training services to our clients, the highest standards must be met. Brian ensures that every part of our programs, are represented with the highest level of quality and excellence.